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Communitas Champions

Kathy Doerksen

Board Chair Communitas

Champion Kathy Doerksen

Having been involved with the organization for such a long time, I can say with confidence that person-centred care is at the heart of Communitas. I hope you’ll help us continue to make an impact in the lives of people living with diverse abilities.

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Hi, I am Kathy Doerksen. I’ve been on the board of directors at Communitas since 2015 and currently serve as the board chair. Before I retired, I enjoyed a long career with Archway Community Services, working in their legal aid, victim services, and advocacy programs. I am interested in social justice issues, so having a career that allowed me to pursue my passion in human rights, equity, and service has been very rewarding. It’s also one of the reasons that I am a member of the Soroptimist club, a world-wide service club that works to empower women and girls through education and economic development. When I’m not working or volunteering, I love to travel and am a voracious reader. I live in Chilliwack where I share a house with my daughter, son-in-law, two very active grandsons, two dogs, and a cat.

Serving on the board of Communitas has been another way to use my gifts. It offers me a place where my work experience, my values, and my passions come together. It is gratifying to know that I can continue to make a difference.

Support Kathy in her goal to raise $10,000 for the Communitas50 Fund.


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Communitas50 Fund
Our story. Our community. Our future.