Home Living
Home Share
What is Home Share?
Home Share is a community-based living arrangement in a family setting. Support is provided by a contracted caregiver.
Who is Home Share for?
At Communitas, we believe that everyone needs a place where someone says “Welcome here, welcome home.” A Home Share arrangement gives people in the community the opportunity to enrich their lives by welcoming someone with a developmental disability into their home and family. It also gives a person with a disability the opportunity to live in a setting of their choice with the support they need.

Lucien and Andreea's Story
Lucien and Andreea have been Home Share Providers for several years, sharing their home with Ron and Mike. They have all found it to be an enriching experience.
Read Lucien and Andreea's StoryHow to Join
People seeking a Home Share option with Communitas do so by referral through Community Living BC (CLBC). For more information, contact us!
Home Living
Fraser Valley, Vancouver Island
Developmental Disabilities