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A Very Special Cat

A Very Special Cat

Boots became the house cat of a Communitas home when her own living arrangements suddenly changed. She’s been a valued member of her home for ten years. Find out what maker her so special

Community Garden Grows Food and Friendships

Community Garden Grows Food and Friendships

The sign at the gate to Mountain View Community Garden in Campbell River tells the beginning of a story: Our garden is now a vibrant, green community of gardeners who are planting and harvesting fresh produce and developing new relationships. It is in the gardens, that the story unfolds. Laureen and Chris are tending the … Continued

A Step Towards Greater Independence

A Step Towards Greater Independence

Ryan is pretty skilled at using public transit in Abbotsford. He knows his bus schedules and times his activities so that he won’t miss a bus. If taking the bus isn’t convenient, he accesses Uber or taxi cabs and is grateful that those options are available to him, especially when the weather is bad. But … Continued

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Everyone deserves a place to belong.


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