Comic Book Artist Draws Inspiration From Life
Robert has been creating comics for more than a decade. He has stacks of journals, filled with his hand-drawn and coloured comics, covering all kinds of themes, and designed to make readers smile.
I like it when people read my comics and laugh. Creating these keeps me going. – Robert, comic book artist

At over 80 years of age, Robert has a life-time of experiences to draw from. Many of his comics feature his beloved dog Maxie, who has since passed away. Some are focused on experiences he’s had traveling or specific seasons of the year, like Christmas. He is a keen observer and if an anecdote or story makes him laugh, he figures it will make others laugh too.

Robert has always enjoyed comics and cartoons.
“I liked watching Caspar as a kid,” he says. “And Archie – I have lots of Archies (comic books) in my room.”

Drawing his own comics gives him energy but he’s not afraid to share his work with others. Robert lives in a home facilitated by Communitas Supportive Care Society. Staff there say that Robert has a great sense of humour and he likes to banter with them. He sometimes asks for their help with colouring his comics. One of his roommates, Howie, also joins in from time to time.
“Robert is a good friend,” Howie says. “I’m glad I met him.”

Along with an interest in comics, Robert loves flowers. The garden at his home is a source of joy and he has several books about flowers. Trees also interest him and he’s drawn several comics about the Monkey Puzzle Tree, commenting that BC is one of the few places in Canada where this tree will grow.

“It looks a bit like a cactus, so I guess it likes it where it’s warm,” he muses.
Robert also enjoys traveling. He’s been to Hawaii three times and would love to go to Arizona to visit his niece. He is currently working on a comic book dedicated to her and hopes to be able to bring it to her someday.

As our visit comes to a close, Robert observes that lunch is being prepared and hopes he’ll get a baloney sandwich, a current favourite of his. After lunch, he’ll probably take a nap and when he wakes up?
“I might work on another comic,” he says with a smile.
Sadly, Robert never did work on another comic. He passed away in May of 2023. He will be missed by his family and friends.
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