Local Business Brings Big Bear Hugs
We could all use a nice warm hug these days but how do you do this safely in the midst of a continued pandemic? If you’re Shane, you get a bear hug!

Communitas recently received a donation of several large, cuddly stuffed bears – some including cozy blankets – from a generous business in Abbotsford. The bears were given with the hope that they might bring some comfort and cheer to the people served by the organization. Shane was the recipient of one of the bears and was thrilled.
“What a cute bear! I love it! It’s soft and cuddly,” Shane says. “I think I’ll name him Snugglebear.”

Shane lives with developmental disabilities and has received support from Communitas for many years through the Community Living Program. He is also known for his fastidious cleanliness and can be seen in the community picking up garbage from the streets. Over the years he has developed several independent contracts in Abbotsford and one of them is with Communitas, where the parking lot at the Bourquin location is always sparkling clean.
Shane’s brother Ryan and his friends Brian and Jaimie all have teddy bear collections. Shane has been wanting to start a collection of his own and with this bear, he now has two. He is drawn to the bear’s soft and cuddly nature and says that they make him feel warm and safe.
“Lately, I’ve been so scared, upset, and worried for my community, first because of Covid and now because of the floods,” he says. “This teddy bear will help comfort me through these hard times.”

Sarah De Klein, philanthropy and donor relations, says that generous gifts like these do so much to spread joy, especially in these difficult times. While the business owner wished to remain anonymous, she wants them to know what a difference their gift makes.
“Gifts like this mean the world to us. It’s like getting a hug from our community, from our supporters and we can pass on that hug to the people we serve,” Sarah says.
The remaining teddy bears will be distributed on Christmas Day to those attending the Communitas Christmas Day Dinner along with other gifts and a hot meal.
“I’m sure that those receiving these gifts will be comforted and encouraged, just like Shane,” Sarah says.
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Elfrieda Kitchen is a faithful supporter of Communitas where her brother Gary received care for much of his adult life.

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